Addiscombe Amateur Radio Club

United Kingdom


London, England.


Addiscombe Amateur Radio Club is primarily a VHF / HF contest group. We participate in most RSGB club VHF events and some regular RSGB HF contests, as well as:

HF field day – from Dave G7RAU’s QTH on Lizard
IOTA from the Isle of Wight
VHF field day with the NE Surrey Contest Group
Recent club contests include the 6m Trophy, VHF field day, 6 and 4m club contests, and in 2020 we won the RSGB Super AFS League with club entries in all the AFS contests from 80/40 m to 432MHz, all modes.

AARC is an affiliated club of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).

The club callsign is G4ALE – representing Addiscombe, London, England.