United Kingdom

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society

Radio Club Aberdeen, Scotland

The Society has approximately 50 members and meets most Thursday evenings. Meetings vary in nature and topic but in general, the first Thursday of...

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Addiscombe Amateur Radio Club

Radio Club G4ALE London, England.

Addiscombe Amateur Radio Club is primarily a VHF / HF contest group. We participate in most RSGB club VHF events and some regular RSGB HF contests, as...

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British DX Club (BDXC)

Radio Club Reading, England

The club was founded in 1974 as the Twickenham DX Club. From local roots came rapid expansion to become one of the major radio clubs in the United...

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Essex CW Club

Radio Club London

In November 2009, a small group of CW enthusiasts decided to form a specialist group for those with a common interest in maintaining and promoting the...

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First Class CW Operators' Club

Radio Club London, England

The First Class CW Operators’ Club (FOC) aims is to promote good CW (Morse code) operating, activity, friendship and socialising. The Club was...

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Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club – Mx0hfc / M0hfc / M6C

Radio Club MX0HFC Hull 1 member

HFDXARC is a contesting and special events club made up of like-minded people within the Hull and Holderness area. We are active in special events, and...

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Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society

Radio Club GM6NX Throsk, Scotland

The Club was started in the year 1979 within Stirling and had many venues for a few years until its current QTH in 1985. ...

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Sugar Delta DX Group

Radio Club Scotland

The Home Of The Scottish HQ....

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United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club (UKEICC)

Radio Club UK and Ireland

The UKEICC was formed in early 2014 with the above (ambitious) Aims and Intentions. They are a free to join Amateur radio, Ham Radio Contest Club On...

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