Verified profileUntil 2027-10-01

Samir Tanios Hamzo (Samir)


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Antennas - 80/30m dipoles, Yagi 7 elements (20/15/10m) and Yagi 2 elements (40m).

The RIG is the Kenwood TS 590 and RFPA is the ACOM 1010.

Besides Ham, I'm a Scout Master and have participated at Jamboree on the Air - JOTA, since 1975, as Boy Scout and since 1979 as Ham Radio. Radioscouting is the best way to enjoy both activities. A lot of young boys and girls have started on Amateur Radio operations from the Radioscouting activities.

The interest in Amateur Radio started during the 18th Jamboree no Ar. I was assigned to participate at the PY2DLQ station, where I meet Mr. Laércio Ferroni (Silent Key), running a brazilian transceiver (Eudgert Ouro C). He was a gentleman and smart operator: cordiality, agility and respect was the first lessons from an excellent Master. Then, following years, I visited other stations where meet other Masters: PY2OJ (Mr. Oscar Andrade, who turned an old AM radio aside to work better), PY2EFJ (Mr. Sebastião who spoke Spanish very well), PY2CTD (Mr. George Haddad), PY2DIO (Mr. Lírio Gimenez), PY2WLF (Mr. Eduardo Paretti, great friend).

Then, joining to the 95º Scout Group PY2AIS (Mr. Ivan Assaritti) taught me a lot of experiences and "how to do more" with little equipment and also taught me the first letters in CW. Finally, PU2RFY (Mr. Décio Zumbano, the Scout Master of 95° Scout Group) who sponsored with $ when I purchased my first HF transceiver: The Yaesu FT 101E!

For the incentives and personal examples, I'm so grateful and pay my tribute. THANK YOU MASTERS!