Hi there!
This is Soner from the town Babenhausen. My location is close to the area of Airport City Frankfurt am Main, Aschaffenburg and Darmstadt. It's the Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region, the south of State of Hesse in center of Germany.
For short wave HF mostly i use my ICOM IC-7300 and homebrewed antennas like 1:64 EFHW and a Gainmaster 5/8 Wire-Antenna clone for the 10 and 12m Band. I love and try to use all modes when I'm on the air.
Hope to hear/contact you soon arround the Aether. See you...
Vy73 and gd DX de Soner, DH5SA
(ps: SWL rep. welcome, Pls QSL/Conf in QRZ, eQSL and LOTW if possible, tnx in advance)