Verified profileUntil 2055-01-01

Colin Walker


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I passed my Foundation Licence Exam on 21st December 2021 and was allocated M7TFT on 23rd December 2021.

I have five radios, an ICOM IC-7610ICOM IC-705, an ICOM ID-52 an ANYTONE AT-D878UV II and a BAOFENG UV-9R Pro.

I have also recently started using EchoLink. QSL via - Member Profile Page

For fixed/QTH, I have;

For mobile, I use;

  • Diamond HV-7CX 7 (10/14) /21/28/50/144/430MHz mobile aerial with the optional HVC-14CX
  • AL-705 Mag Loop complete with the extension kit 10 - 80m
  • CHA LEFS (Lightweight End Fed Sloper) EFHW - CHAMELEON ANTENNA

I use D-Star, DMR and AllStar, monitoring XRF994B, REF001C or REF006A / TG91 TG92 TG913 TG994 TG2530 on separate Raspberry Pi 4's.

With UHF DVMEGA-Single Band board for DMR and VHF/UHF DVMEGA-Dual Band for DSTAR, both fitted with Diamond SRH-805S running W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD) and Hamvoip RPI2-3 Hamvoip V1.17.1-04 for Allstar.

I have a Raspberry Pi Zero W for out-and-about DSTAR/DMR and running W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD).