Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS).

United States of America

Raleigh, North Carolina


Founded in 1969, RARS has grown to become the largest Amateur Radio Club in North Carolina. In 1999, RARS re-incorporated with 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax status.

With over 400 members, RARS reflects a wide variety of interests: ARES and Public Service, HF operation, DX, home-brew, vintage equipment, CW, all modes of VHF/UHF, satellites, packet and computers, ATV, new-Ham training, VE testing, contests, awards, special events, FM and repeaters, Field Day operation, club meetings, shortwave listening/scanning, hamfesting and the EXciter newsletter are all part of RARS member's activities.

To find out more about RARS, come to a meeting, ask on a repeater, browse this website, or talk to any member! We're glad you're here!