Founded in 1969, RARS has grown to become the largest Amateur Radio Club in North Carolina. In 1999, RARS re-incorporated with 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax status.
With over 400 members, RARS reflects a wide variety of interests: ARES and Public Service, HF operation, DX, home-brew, vintage equipment, CW, all modes of VHF/UHF, satellites, packet and computers, ATV, new-Ham training, VE testing, contests, awards, special events, FM and repeaters, Field Day operation, club meetings, shortwave listening/scanning, hamfesting and the EXciter newsletter are all part of RARS member's activities.
To find out more about RARS, come to a meeting, ask on a repeater, browse this website, or talk to any member! We're glad you're here!