Amateur Radio Experimenters Group (AREG)

Radio Club Adelaide

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group (AREG) is located in Adelaide South Australia. The AREG was formed in July 1998. The members of the AREG come...

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Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

Radio Club Kariong

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club has been operating for more than 50 years and currently has over 80 members. We have our own Club Rooms on leased...

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Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club

Radio Club VK3BJA Cranbourne, Victoria

We are a group of amateur radio operators (Hams) and electronics enthusiasts. We promote all aspects of the hobbies of Radio Communications,...

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Northern Corridor Radio Group (NCRG)

Radio Club Whiteman

The NCRG has business meetings on the 4th Sunday of each month, visitors are most welcome to attend. The NCRG also run classes for the Amateur Radio...

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VK Contest Club (VKCC)

Radio Club VK1CC Camberra

VK Contest Club (VK1CC) is a national organisation for all contest minded hams in Australia with objectives: * To promote contesting in...

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